Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering
Campus Box 7908, North Carolina State University
Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-7908
Email: jwb at ncsu dot edu
Phone: 919.515.7697
My group develops models of software, to make it more robust and reliable—and models of engineering and scientific systems, to improve the way we design and analyze artifacts in the real world.Areas we draw from include
formal methods: mathematical techniques for specifying, developing, and verifying software systemsApplications in engineering include coastal hazard mitigation, civil site development, vehicle routing and scheduling, air quality management, structural optimization and design, and active control science: computational approaches from operations research to help make better decisions
Our projects touch on many different facets of problem solving, from theoretical aspects and formal models to the practical issues of building complete systems that incorporate state-of-the-art technology. Representative projects include Alloy case studies, subdomain modeling for large-scale storm surge simulation, and Vitri parallel optimizer.
After a long, hard day: original "art"
Recent Publications
Last updated: Thu Dec 29, 2024